Right Events

This is a place to learn about events of interest to Republicans, conservatives, libertarians or others of a rightward slant in New York City.

Bookmark this page and check back often as the listings get updated all the time.

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Monday, September 01, 2008

SEPTEMBER LIST OF EVENTS (Check back often, this page is updated frequently):

September 3, 2008, 7:00pm: NYYRC (the state-party affiliated one) Monthly Social @ Dewey's Flatiron, 210 Fifth Avenue, . Enjoy drink specials, snacks and conversation with other Young Republicans while watching the convention. No Cover!

September 16, 2008, 6:30pm to 8:30pm: Log Cabin Republicans of New York PAC event at 38 East First Street in Manhattan. The event will feature prominent New York Republican members of the State Assembly and Senate as well as the Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos participating in his first-ever Log Cabin event. More information here: http://www.logcabin.org/lcr_newyork/events/2008nypac/details.tcl

SEPT. 28, 2008, 8:00pm: Todd Seavey hosts author Anna Broadway vs. NYPress alum Stephanie Sellars in a debate on the question "Is Modern Sex Good or Evil?" at Lolita Bar (266 Broome St. at Allen St., Lower East Side, basement level).