Right Events

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Monday, January 21, 2008

FEBRUARY LIST OF EVENTS (Check back often, list is updated all the time)

Feb. 4, 2008, 7:00pm: Robert Hornak, has declared his candidacy for City Council in Astoria, Queens. This seat, currently held by the term-limited Peter Vallone Jr., is the most conservative district in the city currently represented by a democrat. Please give Robert your support in this challenging endeavor as he will surely need all our support in order to be victorious in this race. His kick-off fundraiser is on Monday, February 4th and we every urban republican to turn out in force to help send Robert to be our voice in the NY City Council!!

Please join special guest hosts
Hon. Anthony Coles
Niger Innis
Dr. Herbert I. London
Hon. Phil Ragusa
Curtis Sliwa

and the entire host committee* at a cocktail reception in honor of Robert Hornak as he officially kicks off his campaign for City Council and introduces the 2009 Urban Republican Platform. Woman's National Republican Club, 3 West 51st Street. Suggested Contribution, $100 - $500 per person ($50 - $100 special rate for Young Republicans).

February 5, 2008, 7:00pm: New York Young Republican Club (the state-party affiliated one) Monthly Social at Honey, 243 W. 14th St, Btwn 7th and 8th Avenues. Meet other republicans, network, drink, have a great time. Drink Specials & Food: $5 apple martinis, watermelon martinis, and cosmos, $4 select draught beers and $3 Bud Select bottles. Food will include a selection of appetizers and fondues.

February 5, 2008, 8:00pm: The New York Young Republican Club (the independent one) will once again team up with the Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century and co-sponsor a huge social event that will be hosted by NY1's Dominic Carter and feature elected officials (past & present) and many other special guests.

Tonic Lounge
Time Square
727 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10019
2nd & 3rd Floors

Come watch the Super Duper Primary Tuesday returns with your favorite political group at one of the city's liveliest sports bars in the heart of Times Square.

* Flatscreen TV's with all network coverage (CNN, Fox, CSPAN, the networks)
* Surprise speakers and special guests TBD
* Candidate raffle - predict who will win each state for both parties!
* And much more...

Feb. 6, 2008, 8:00pm: Debates at Lolita Bar, NEXT DEBATE: Reactions to the presidential primaries -- on the day after Super Duper Tuesday -- with National Review’s John Derbyshire vs. Seth Colter Walls, freelancer at Newsweek, HuffingtonPost, etc.(plus hosts Todd Seavey and Michel Evanchik and more). Did it turn out to be Obama vs. Huckabee? Edwards vs. Giuliani? Ethno-politics or principle? Find out. Free admission, cash bar. The debates, usually pitting two opponents against each other (in a civil and often humorous fashion), take place on the basement level of Lolita Bar at 266 Broome St. at the corner of Allen St. on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, one block south and three west of the Delancey St. F, J, M, Z subway stop.

February 7th, 2008, 6:30-9:00PM: Met Club First Thursday Monthly Social, $10 for members, $15 for non members/guests. Light food and refreshments served. 122 East 83rd Street (between Lexington and Park).

February 7, 2008, 7:00pm: Junto (Admission Free, No reservation necessary). Junto will be at the General Society Library on the first Thursday of every month.) is a group that shares information and discusses current issues...plus presents speakers to talk with us: Celebrating Ayn Rand's 103rd birthday:
* 7:00pm A selection of Ayn Rand's favorite music.
* 7:15pm Ayn Rand in a wide-ranging 1979 interview.
* 7:45pm Anne Heller tells interesting facts about Ayn Rand.
* Interview videos from The Objectivist History Project.
* Glenn Cripe: "Ayn Rand in the old Russia, and the New."
* Birthday cake: Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged 50th anniversary.

General Society Library
20 West 44th Street, NYC
between 5th and 6th Avenues
near the Grand Central Terminal

February 10th, 2008, 3:00PM- 4:30PM: 2008 Great Decisions Program Series. Great Decisions Program series is a discussion group that covers issues of concern to U.S. Policymakers today. The briefing book and program are published by the Foreign Policy Association. The briefing book places the thematic or geographic issue in historical context and provides background, current policies and alternative policy options. Topic to be discussed on Sunday: Iraq end-game: A recurring question found in most public opinion polls and on the 2008 presidential campaign trail: What will be the end-game for the U.S. in Iraq? How will U.S. decisions about continued engagement affect Iraq itself, and the Middle East? $20 for members and non members (includes briefing book) Please email mail@metclubnyc.org or call (212) 288-8606 to reserve. 122 East 83rd Street (between Lexington and Park).

February 20, 2008, 6:30 P.M. Prompt (Free and open to the public): The Donald & Paula Smith Family Foundation Present a Discussion: “Should the US Reduce or Increase the Rate of Immigration?” Featuring Tamar Jacoby, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute. Tamar writes extensively on immigration and citizenship and is the author of Reinventing the Melting Pot: The New Immigrants and What It Means To Be American. A leading voice in the media and elsewhere in favor of immigration reform, she works to organize the center-right behind reform proposals taking shape in Washington. Jack Martin, Director of Special Projects, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). Jack, who joined FAIR in 1995, is a retired U.S. diplomat with consular experience. He has testified before the U.S. Congress, U.S. Civil Rights Commission, and U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform and has authored studies of immigration issues. His national and international print, TV, and talk radio experience is extensive (including in Spanish). Moderator: Julian Morris. Executive Director, International Policy Network. Co-Sponsors: Manhattan Institute, International Policy Network, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), The Smith Family Foundation. There is widespread agreement that current US immigration policy is not working. But there is little agreement about the solution. This debate will feature two protagonists with diametrically opposing views. Tamar Jacoby supports more legal immigration. Meanwhile, Jack Martin believes that the rate of immigration should be reduced. Who is right? Come along and decide for yourself. Better than that – participate! Donnell Public Library, 20 West 53rd Street, (Between 5th and 6th avenue) For more information contact Dawn Steeves at dawn@policynetwork.net Click here to RSVP for this event at Thesmithfamilyfoundation.org. If you signed up for the mailing list at a previous event, but have not visited the site before, you may be asked to complete your registration and select a password in order to RSVP. Once your account is activated, you can use it to RSVP for future events and receive updates from The Smith Foundation.

February 21, 2008, 7:00pm: New York Young Republican Club (the state-party affiliated one) Monthly Meeting- Conservative Author and Legal Analyst Mark Smith and New York State Senator Marty Golden will both be speaking at the February Monthly Meeting of the NYYRC, Inc. We're very excited to host these dynamic, influential individuals. Come join us! METROPOLITAN CLUB, 122 EAST 83RD STREET, BTWN PARK AND LEX AVENUES. Email INFO@nyyrc.com with questions! Mr. Smith will be speaking to us about his newly released book The Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy 2008: The Arguments You Need to Defeat the Loony Left This Election Year. Many of us heard Mr. Smith speak to the NYYRC back in 2004 and we're excited he'll be joining us Thursday. For more info on the Mr. Smith's new book, click here: http://www.amazon.com/Official-Handbook-Vast-Right-Wing-Conspiracy/dp/1596980494/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1203450175&sr=1-1 Senator Golden plans to give us a legislative update on the goings on in Albany, aside from Eliot Spitzer's fall from grace. For more info on the Senator, click here: http://www.senatorgolden.com/22/default.aspx

February 21, 2008, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm: NYYRC (the independent one) 5th Annual Ronald Reagan Birthday Celebration & Awards Dinner. Please join us as we pay tribute to the legacy of our 40th president in honoring those who have kept the Reagan spirit alive.
Honor List: Pete Hegseth - Executive Director of Vets for Freedom. Get your Tickets Now!!! Rates will go up at the end of the month! www.nycyr.org/join.php Women's National Republican Club, 3 West 51st Street, New York, NY. Cocktail or Business Attire Requested.

February 27, 2008, 6:00-8:00pm: TR Group Rough Rider Award. Honoring Curtis Sliwa for his lifetime commitment to the New York Republican Party. Open Bar. Business attire required. Where: Tiro a Segno, 77 MacDougal St. between Houston and Bleecker Streets. Admission: $90 for TR Group Members, $100 for non-members. Email tonycorrao@yahoo.com or call the phone at the TR Group 917-606-0730 for more information.