October 2, 2008, 8:00pm- 11:00pm: Met Club Vice Presidential Debate/First Thursday Social. Join for our monthly social and watch the V.P. Debate. $10 for members and non members. Refreshments and light food served. 122 East 83rd Street, between Lex+Park, NYC.
October 2, 2008, 8:00pm: TWO Vice Presidential Debate watching parties hosted by two different Young Republican clubs:
The independent Young Republican club will be at Houndstooth Pub, 520 8th Avenue (and 37th St), high def tv, private room, cash bar.
The state-party affiliated Young Republican club will be at JAKE'S SALOON (THE NEW JAKE'S!) 9th Avenue b/w 22nd & 23rd Streets. Food and Drink Specials All Night!!
October 7, 2008, 8:00pm: Debates at Lolita Bar: Todd Seavey hosts and Michel Evanchik moderates journalist Bryan Harris vs. Kenneth Moltner of People to Stop a Self Serving Council in a debate on the question "Should We Loosen Term Limits?" at Lolita Bar (266 Broome St. at Allen St., Lower East Side, basement level -- J, M, Z, or F to Delancey St., then one block south).
October 15, 2008, 8pm: The New York Young Republicans (the state-party affiliated group) Third Presidential Debate Watch Party. Come watch the Debates with your fellow Young Republicans. The Metropolitan Club, 122 East 83rd st b/w Lexington and Park Ave. $15 at the door, Beer/Wine/Soda/Snacks.
October 16, 2008, 7pm: The New York Young Republicans (the state-party affiliated group) General Meeting. Come join the NYYRC, the nation's Oldest Young Republican Club in the Country for our October Monthly Meeting. This is a free event, you do not need to be a member. Featuring Guest Speakers Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam, authors of Grand New Party: How Republicans Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream. RSVP & Info: RSVP@NYYRC.com
October 16, 2008, 10:00am: A forum on the issue of driver's licenses for illegal immigrants at the Metropolitan Republican Club. More details to come. 122 East 83rd Street, between Lex+Park, NYC.
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