October 4, 2006, 8pm-10pm, IHS alums, New York-area libertarians, media folk, and debate fans are encouraged to come to a two-tiered event at Manhattan's Lolita Bar (northeast corner of Broome St. and Allen St. on the Lower East Side, one block south and three west of the Delancey St. subway stop). We'll use the main floor of the bar for a libertarian gathering organized by the Republican Liberty Caucus to discuss issues of pragmatism and principle one month before the mid-term elections, while the downstairs space sees a debate on the question "Do Celebrities Have a Right to Privacy?" — timed to coincide with the New York Film Festival — pitting Jill Friedman (an actress and blogger with terrible secrets, such as being in the Society for Creative Anachronism) against Jen Dziura (a comedienne with nothing to hide), hosted by IHS alum Todd Seavey and moderated by Michel Evanchik. The debate is one in the monthly series Seavey hosts for the non-partisan Jinx Magazine — and this month's two-level intellectual adventure, including $500 worth of drink tickets for those participants over 21, is kindly sponsored by the Institute for Humane Studies. Please join us, especially if you're an IHS alum, and bring every libertarian movie star friend you have.
October 5, 2006, 6:30pm: RALLY FOR JOHN FASO & EAST SIDE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES - The Met Club, together with the Knickerbocker Republicans, are sponsoring a rally for John Faso and our local East Side candidates at the Met Club, 122 East 83rd Street, on Thursday, October 5, starting at 6:30 pm. NY Republican County Committee Chairman James Ortenzio will introduce Mr. Faso and the other candidates, who will address the rally. A reception will be held following the speeches.
October 5, 2006, 9:30pm: The NY Post's Robert George will be performing at the Improv Comedy Club, 318 W. 53rd (bet. 8th & 9th) at the 9:30 p.m. show! Lots of cutting (and shooting)-edge observations about many members of our fine political class: Dick Cheney, Jim McGreevey, MARK FOLEY (new addition!!) Condoleezza Rice, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Bloomberg and more! If you've seen Robert on stage before, come see him again -- lotsa new stuff, and way-cool presentation! If you haven't seen him before, well, what the hell are you waiting for? Please call the club for reservations: (212) 501-6330 Tell 'em you're coming to see Robert George!
October 10, 2006, RUDY GIULIANI RECEPTION FOR JOHN FASO. Location: St. Regis Hotel, 2 East 55th Street, NY, NY Time: 5:00pm-5:45pm - VIP Reception and Photo Op. 5:30pm - 7:00pm - general reception. Contribution: $300 per person. $1,000 per reception sponsor. $2,500 per VIP reception & photo op. RSVP: by October 5. Meghan@johnfaso.com or call 518-465-2006
October 10th, 2006, 6:30pm: The Donald & Paula Smith Family Foundation Present a Discussion. Should International Law be Part of Our Law? Featuring Martin Flaherty Professor & Co-Director, Crowley Program in International Human Rights, Fordham Law School VS. John O. McGinnis, Professor, Northwestern Law. Moderator Toni Fine. Dean of International Programs at Fordham Law School. Co-Sponsors: Fordham Law Federalist Society, Fordham Law American Constitution Society & the Fordham International Law Journal. Justice Kennedy is now the single swing vote in an equally divided Supreme Court. Kennedy’s decision to cite to international legal norms in controversial gay rights and death penalty cases has drawn much attention. Originalists like Justice Scalia see judicial arrogance when judges use international law to overrule domestic elected officials. Others, like Justice Breyer, see using foreign law as completely appropriate when judges are trying to sort out complicated legal questions in our increasingly interconnected world. Can we rely on good law – whether from foreign or domestic sources – to stand the test of time? Will judges cherry-pick foreign laws to support decisions they are sympathetic with? Outside of treaties, is there clear international law that can be relied on? If there is, where does its authority come from? Fordham Law School, 140 W 62nd Street, McNally Hall (Corner of 62th Street and Columbus avenue).
October 11, 2006, 7:30pm: Former PLO Terrorist, Walid Shoebat, former Lebanese Terrorist, Zachariah Anani, and former Nazi Hitler youth and German soldier, Hilmar von Campe, will speak at Columbia University, Roone Arledge Auditorium (115th Street and Broadway). They are all on the right side today.
October 12, 7:00-10:00 pm: MET CLUB OCTOBERFEST PARTY. Oompah band and traditional German food and drink. Food will be prepared by none other than NY County Republican Chairman James Ortenzio. This is an important fundraising event to defray heavy expenses of building projects at the Met Club clubhouse, including replacement of the boiler. However, we've tried to keep prices very reasonable at $45 for Club members and $50 for nonmembers. Event is at Met Club, 122 East 83rd Street, just west of Lexington. RSVP's preferred but walkins are OK. If you are interested in attending please contact the Club at 212-288-8606 or send an email to mail@metclubnyc.org by October 11.
October 12, 2006, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM: The next New York Young Republican Club, Inc (the independent one) meeting will feature Dick Morris.Dick Morris is a political renaissance man. He has been a political consultant for Bill Clinton, Trent Lott, and numerous foreign leaders. He is a political commentator for Fox News and writes a column carried by dozens of newspapers including the New York Post. Morris has written six books, the latest being Condi vs. Hillary and the upcoming Outrage. Our Featured Local candidates: To Be Announced. Place: Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen's Club 283 Lexington Ave (bet 36th & 37th St), 2nd Floor Admission: Members - FREE, Non Members - $5, F/T Students - $2. After-politics Socializing Come join us afterwards for drinks at: Margarita Murphy's, 591 Third Avenue Between 38th and 39th streets.
October 19, 2006, 7:00pm: The New York Young Republican Club (the state-party affiliated one) eneral meeting will feature speaker Peter Brookes, Senior Fellow for National Security Affairs, The Heritage Foundation. Business attire required. Please turn off your cell phone upon entry. Union League Club at 38 East 37th Street.
October 25, 2006, 6:30-9:30 pm: Robert Heim, Republican candidate for Assembly in the 73rd District on the East Side is sponsoring a fundraising reception at the Met Club, 122 East 83rd Street, just west of Lexington. Robert's campaign has already received a remarkable amount of support because of his focus on issues that truly matter to voters -- such as reducing New York’s heavy tax burden, ensuring a first class education for our State’s children and insisting on high ethical standards for government officials. Suggested donation $50-75. Special added note: State Comptroller candidate Chris Callahan is expected to stop by the reception after his victory over Alan Hevesi in the debate on Wednesday. Come and support Robert and greet Chris!
October 30th, 2006, 6:30pm (prompt): The Donald & Paula Smith Family Foundation Present a Discussion: Is Free Speech a Victim of Campaign Finance Reform? Featuring
Burt Neuborne, Professor & Legal Director, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law VS. Bradley Smith, Professor, Capital University Law, Former Chairman Federal Election Commission. Moderator Jerry H. Goldfeder Election Lawyer & Adjunct Professor at Fordham Law. Co-Sponsors: Fordham Law Federalist Society & American Constitution Society. With one of the most competitive Congressional elections in recent history upon us, many questions are being asked about the constitutionality and efficacy of campaign finance restrictions. The Supreme Court’s recent constitutional message has been mixed: it upheld McCain–Feingold but ruled Vermont’s state election restrictions unconstitutional. On the efficacy side, critics see the rise of 527 groups as well as Presidential candidates abandoning public financing as signs of reform’s failure. Supporters point to examples of transparency and increasing competitive elections as evidence of success. Are restrictions working? What are the constitutional limits that restrict future reforms? Do the American people want more or less restrictions on their election contributions? (Free and open to the public - Reception to follow). Fordham Law School, 140 W 62nd Street, McNally Hall, (Corner of 62th Street and Columbus Avenue).