September 6, 2006, 8:00pm: The monthly debate at NYC's Lolita bar will ask "Was Israel Right to Invade Lebanon?" -- pitting leftist protester and theatre producer Richard Ryan against one of his own playwrights, Jonathan Leaf, who famously resigned from editing NYPress over its refusal to reprint the Mohammed cartoons -- as noted on the front page of (the official debate sponsors). Todd Seavey ( hosts, of course. Lolita bar (free admission, cash bar, a.c.) on the northeast corner of Broome and Allen on Manhattan's Lower East Side, one block south and three west of the Delancey St. subway stop. (Volunteers to debate specific future topics, especially if you have a
willing, serious opponent, are welcome.)
September 7, 2006, 6:30-9:00pm: The Metropolitan Republican Club presents First Thursday, its informal monthly social event. $15 ($10 for members) includes all refreshments. 122 East 83rd Street, just west of Lexington.
September 7, 2006, doors open 7:00pm, general discussion from ABOUT 7:30pm: Junto focuses on libertarianism, Objectivism, and investing. Speaker this month will be Tyler Cowen, Professor of Economics, George Mason University speaking on funding the arts in a Capitalist economy. General Society Library, 20 West 44th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues, near the Grand Central Terminal.
September 12, 2006- PRIMARY DAY.
September 12, 2006, 6:30pm Prompt: The Donald & Paula Smith Family Foundation Present a Discussion: Responding to Anti-Americanism in the Arab World: Have We Been Effective Since 9/11? Featuring David Frum, American Enterprise Institute. Author: An End to Evil -And- The Right Man and Craig Charney, President, Charney Research Award winning Pollster of Arab Attitudes. Leon T. Hadar, Cato Institute, Author: Sandstorm: Policy Failure in the Middle East. Over the five years since 9/11, American foreign policy, security policy, and psychology have been reshaped to address Arab anger and the terrorism that can result from it. On 9/11 what most of the world saw as a horrific act of brutality, many in the Arab streets saw as a success. While currently the Iraq war overshadows all, the Administration has also aggressively sought to engage the Arab world and convince it that American is not the enemy they assume. Have these efforts been successfully? Are they hopelessly overshadowed by the Iraq War and our Israeli alliance? Does trying to understand and react to the motivation of the Jihadists amount to appeasement? Should we simply be grateful that -- despite several well publicized attempts -- there has not been a major terrorist attack on American soil in the five years since 9/11? (Free and open to the public - Reception to follow) The Graduate Center, The City University of New York, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York(Corner of 34th Street & 5th Avenue).
September 13, 2006, 5:00pm: Walter Olson, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute; editor, will speak on "The Rule of Lawyers: Policymaking through Litigation and Its Discontents" Sponsored by the Federalist Society Student Chapter, New York Law School, 57 Worth St. (Tribeca) Wellington Dining Room. Contact: Andy Almonte, 917-969-5762, directions etc.:
September 13, 2006, 6:00pm: "Red Blue & You" Political Comedy from both the Left and the Right, hitting above and below the Beltway. The New Gotham Vintage Lounge
208 W. 23rd St. (between 7th & 8th Aves) Reservations 212-367-9000, $5. Starring, in alphabetical order: Julia Gorin, Jamie Jackson, Luchia, Jim Mendrinos, John Morrison Zero Boy.
September 14, 2006, 9:00am to 1:30pm: The Federalist Society presents "Does Procedure Dominate Substance?: Of Class Actions and Pretrial Motions." Panel 1, Class Actions: Confirmed Speakers to Date Include: Richard A. Epstein, Professor of Law and Director, Law and Economics Program, University of Chicago Law School; Executive Director, eSapience Center for Law & Business, Samuel Issacharoff, Professor of Constitutional Law, New York University School of Law, Richard A. Nagareda, Professor of Law and Director, Cecil D. Branstetter Litigation & Dispute Resolution Program, Vanderbilt University Law School, David S. Evans, Chairman, eSapience, Ltd., Moderator. Panel 2, When Should a Case Be Dismissed? Pleading and Summary Judgment Standards: Confirmed Speakers Include: Keith N. Hylton, Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law, Geoffrey P. Miller, Professor of Law and Director, Center for the Study of Central Banks, New York University School of Law
J. Douglas Richards, Partner, Milberg Weiss, Jack H. Friedenthal, Howrey Professor of Trial Advocacy, Litigation, and Professional Responsibility, the George Washington University Law School, Moderator. Keynote Presentation, David Boies, Schiller & Flexner (Lunch will be served.) LOCATION: Greenberg Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall, New York University School of Law, 40 Washington Square, South. Call to register, 617-844-1803.
September 14, 2006, 7:00pm: The New York Post's Robert George will be performing in New York's Funniest Reporter" show at the Gotham Comedy Club, 208 West 23rd St., betw. 7th. & 8th Aves. Call 212-367-9000 for reservations. It's part of the New York Underground Comedy Festival, proceeds go to charity: All proceeds go to the Veterans of Foreign Wars “Operation Uplink”,program that keeps military personnel and hospitalized veterans in touch with their families and loved ones by providing them with free phone cards.
September 14, 2006, 7:30pm: General meeting of the New York Young Republican Club (the independent one). Speaker TBA. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen's Club, 283 Lexington Avenue, between 36th and 37th Streets. Members: free; full-time students: $2; all others $5. Drinks afterward at Margarita Murphy's.
September 18, 2006, 7:45am to 9am: Republican Jewish Coalition Breakfast with Ari at Young Israel of Midwood, 1694 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn. RSVP by September 10 at 212-922-0839 or to Free and open to the public.
September 18, 2006, Noon to 1:30pm: Lunch with Ari Fleischer. Open to current Republican Jewish Coalition members only. Park East Synagogue, 163 East 67th Street. Glatt Kosher. RSVP by September 10 to 212-922-0839 To join the RJC, go to
September 20, 2006, 7:30pm: The Objectivist Club at New York University Presents: Five Years After 9/11: Why We are Losing the War by Dr. John Lewis at NYU Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Square South. All non-NYU attendees must register by email to This event is one of a series of lectures sponsored by the Ayn Rand Institute ( Five Years After 9/11: Why We Are Losing the War. Five years after Manhattan was viciously attacked by Islamic holy warriors, the world is still held hostage to their rants and their bombs. Iraq is in turmoil, Syria is emboldened, and Iran, in pursuit of nuclear weapons, intends to wipe Israel off the map and destroy the Great Satan--America. What went wrong? This lecture will show how our failure to identify the ideology of our enemies--Islamic Totalitarianism--has made it impossible to confront them. Drawing on the lessons of America's victory over Japan, this lecture will challenge us to reject our assumptions about the nature of a "just war," and to demand the removal, by force, of Islamic Totalitarianism--State Islam--from the face of the earth. Dr. John Lewis is in the Department of History and Political Science at Ashland University, Ashland, Ohio. He holds a PhD in classics from the University of Cambridge, a BA in history from the University of Rhode Island, and an Anthem Fellowship for Objectivist Scholarship. He has taught at the University of London, and was a visiting scholar at Rice University and at Bowling Green State University. Dr. Lewis is consulting editor of The Objective Standard, and has published in numerous classical journals, and in Capitalism Magazine. He is the author of "Solon the Thinker: Political Thought in Archaic Athens," and is now completing a book, "Nothing Less Than Victory: Military Offense and the Lessons of History."
September 21, 2006, 7:00pm: New York Young Republican Club GENERAL MONTHLY MEETING-We will feature a panel on Emergency Preparedness in New York City five years after September 11th. Speakers: Frank Tabert, Assistant Director, New York State Office of Homeland Security. Heather MacDonald, Manhattan Institute Commander, Manhattan South, NYPD SHIELD. Philip Caracci, NYC Republican District Leader, 74th AD, and September 11th survivor. If you would like to ask a question of our panel, please email Club President Rick Brownell at Questions must be related to the topic of emergency preparedness in New York City, and be concise and direct. Deadline for submitting questions is Wednesday, September 20th at 5pm. The meeting begins promptly at 7pm. Business attire required. Please turn off your cell phone upon entry.
September 23, 2006, 8:30am: Walk for Life, Mass: 8:30 a.m., followed by prayer and a peaceful procession, will return to Our Saviour's for Benediction, followed by a light lunch. Sponsored by Good Counsel Homes, Expectant Mother Care, and other groups. The Church of Our Saviour, 59 Park Avenue, at 38th Street. $7, payable at the door, includes lunch.
September 26, 2006, 6:30-9:30 pm: Friends of Robert Heim, candidate for the Assembly in the 73rd district, are organizing an important fundraising event on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 from 6:30 until 9:30 p.m. at the Metropolitan Republican Club, 122 East 83rd Street. Drinks and Hors D’oeuvres will be served. Special Right Events contribution: $100, Recommended contribution: $250, Maximum contribution: $3400. For more information and to RSVP please contact Christy Kirschenmann at 212-744-5187 or email her at
September 27, 2006, 6:30-9 pm: Dan Russo, 29th State Senatorial Candidate, 43rd Birthday Celebration & Fundraiser. Dan Russo will be celebrating his 43rd Birthday with friends and supporters at the Metropolitan Republican Club, 122 East 83rd Street, just west of Lexington. Join us to hear Dan discuss the concerns and issues of the 29th Senate District which includes the Upper West Side, Chelsea, Clinton, Hell's Kitchen, Greenwich Village, parts of the East Village, Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village, and Waterside Plaza. There is nothing better than discussing politics over delicious birthday cake! $50 minimum donation per person. Please make checks to Friends of Daniel Russo.