FEBRUARY LIST OF EVENTS (For January's events, scroll down)
February 1, 2006, 5:30-8:30 pm: The Fordham Center on Religion and Culture presents Conservative Politics and the Future of Religion. Moderator: Bill Blakemore, senior domestic and foreign correspondent, ABC News Panelists: E.J. Dionne, Washington Post syndicated columnist, political commentator, author of Why Americans Hate Politics, and co-editor of One Electorate Under God: A Dialogue on Religion and American Politics. Michael Cromartie, Vice President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, editor of Religion and Politics in America and A Public Faith: Evangelicals and Civic Engagement. Patrick Allitt, professor of history, Emory University, author of Catholic Intellectuals and Conservative Politics in America, 1950-1985 and Religion in America Since 1945: A History. Free and Open to the Public. To R.S.V.P., email us at ReligCulture@fordham.edu (212) 636-6927. Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus, Lowenstein Center, Pope Auditorium. 113 West 60th Street, New York City.
February 1, 2006, 7:30pm: The New York Young Republican Club (the state-party affiliated one) February Social celebrating Ronald Reagan. Kama Lounge at the Evelyn, 380 Columbus at 78th Street. No cover.
February 1, 2006, 8pm: Jinx Magazine presents a debate: Lawyer John Crouch and writer-blogger Nichelle Stephens debate the question "Should the Law Make It Harder to Divorce?" (with Michel "The Brain" Evanchik moderating and Todd Seavey hosting) at the next Jinx Athenaeum, downstairs at Lolita bar (free admission, cash bar) on the northeast corner of Broome and Allen on Manhattan's Lower East Side, one block south and three west of the Delancey St. subway stop. (Volunteers to debate specific future topics, especially if you have a willing, serious opponent, are
February 2, 2006, 6:30 p.m., Metropolitan Republican Club presents First Thursday, its monthly informal social and political salon. $10 at the door for members, $15 at the door for non-members, includes all refreshments. Met Club, 122 East 83rd Street (between Lexington and Park).
February 02, 2006, 7:00 pm (Doors open @ 6:30PM): The Objectivist Club at New York University presents Dr. Tara Smith: Why Originalism Won't Die: Common Mistakes in Competing Theories of Judicial Interpretation. In the debate over judicial interpretation of the Constitution, the theory of Originalism (advocated by Antonin Scalia, among others) has been subjected to seemingly fatal criticisms. Despite the exposure of flaws that would normally bury a theory, however, Originalism continues to attract tremendous support. What explains its resilient appeal? Why do many continue to regard it as the most reasonable basis for judicial interpretation? This lecture will answer these questions in part, by identifying the fundamental weakness of the leading alternatives to Originalism and in part, by demonstrating that the heart of Originalism’s appeal – its promise of judicial objectivity – is illusory. All camps in this debate, we will see, suffer from serious misunderstandings of the nature of objectivity. These events are sponsored by the Ayn Rand Institute (www.AynRand.org) and are open to the public. A $10 contribution at the door is suggested for non-students. LOCATION: 60 Washington Square S., NYU Kimmel Center - Rosenthal Pavilion (10th Floor) RSVP: http://nyu.objectivismonline.net -- Bring photo ID.
February 7, 2006, 6:30pm (Prompt): The Donald & Paula Smith Family Foundation Present a debate: Should We Stay Or Should We Go? An Immediate Iraq withdrawal & its alternatives. Featuring General William E. Odom, Professor Yale University Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Co-Author: America’s Inadvertent Empire VS. Peter Brookes, Senior Fellow for National Security Affairs, Heritage Foundation, Author: A Devil's Triangle: Terrorism, WMD and Rogue States. Moderator Gideon Rose Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs. As the third anniversary of the Iraq invasion approaches, support for the War – and the President’s handling of it – has fallen precipitously. The President has partially reversed the decline by admitting execution “mistakes,” but a majority of the public believes the war itself was a mistake. However, the public is not convinced that immediate withdrawal is the answer and the Iraqi constitution and elections have given many hope that Iraq’s fragile democracy will flourish if given sufficient aid and stability. How will the insurgents and Iraqi people react to a withdrawal? How much more strain can our military and our treasury handle? What do we owe the Iraqi people?
February 10, 2006 – 7:30-11:30PM: Women’s National Republican Club Young Professionals Invite you to a PRE-VALENTINE’S DAY PARTY at The Women’s National Republican Club, 3 West 51st Street. Music BY EDDIE ZAK * Open Bar * Full Buffet CHOCOLATES * ROSES. Members - $40 Non-Members - $45 RSVP by Wednesday, February 8, 2006 to (917) 923-5515 or debraleible@yahoo.com
February 9-11, 2006: CPAC, America’s premier conservative event will take place at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. CPAC 2006 is anticipated to be one of the most exciting conferences to date and will kick-off on Thursday morning with a much anticipated address from syndicated columnist and author George Will. Attendees can look forward to an exciting line-up of speakers and panelists throughout the day including: Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao; Senators George Allen (VA), John Cornyn (TX), and Rick Santorum (PA); Representatives Tom Tancredo (CO) and Sam Johnson (TX); Lt. Col. Oliver North; Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum and many more. For more information visit the CPAC site.
February 15, 2006, 6:30pm-8:00pm: The Republican Jewish Coalition is pleased to invite you to a reception with special guest: John Faso, Former NY Assembly Minority Leader and 2006 New York gubernatorial candidate. Mr. Faso will be discussing his upcoming run for Governor of New York. The Law Offices of Skadden Arps, 4 Times Square, 37th Floor(corner of 42nd St. next to ESPN Zone). Kosher refreshments served. This event is free of charge. RSVP by phone (212-922-0839) or by email (newyork@rjchq.org) by February 8th.
February 16th, 2006, 6:00pm: The Irish-American Republicans present the Ninth Annual Awards Reception Honoring Adrian Flannelly, Chairman and Host of Irish Radio, The Honorable Martin Golden, New York State Senate, Anne O'Sullivan, Executive Assistant to Governor George E. Pataki At the Women's National Republican Club, 3 West 51st Street, NYC. $120 per person Checks may be made out to "NAIAR" Post Office Box 11256, Albany, New York 12211. RSVP at 917-553-6872. Please visit our website for more information www.IrishGOP.com.
February 16, 2006, 7:00 pm: Emily Csendes, Republican candidate for Assembly in the 67th district on the West Side, will face off against her three or more Democratic opponents at a candidate’s forum. She needs a good Republican audience to cheer her on against such odds. The forum, sponsored by The West Side Spirit, will take place from 7:00PM to 9:00PM at the Goddard Riverside Community Center at 593 Columbus Ave. just north of West 88th Street. Plan to arrive early to guarantee a seat.
February 23, 2006, 5:30 pm: Friends of Frank Scala, Republican candidate for Assembly in the 74th district in the special election on February 28, is sponsoring a fundraising rally, including food and dancing, at Club Remix, 27 Park Place (between Church Street and Broadway) Just $25 gets you in, although larger donations are always appreciated.
February 23, 2006 , 6:30 cocktails, 7:30 speaker. The Young Jewish Leadership PAC hosts its 10th Anniversary Celebration at The Kosciuszko Foundation on 15 East 65th Street. The Celebration will feature a keynote address by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, founder and president of the International Fellowship for Christians and Jews (http://www.ifcj.org ). The YJLPAC will be honoring Rabbi Eckstein with the YJLPAC Champion of Israel award for his tireless work for Israel and the Jewish people. Our thanks to our corporate sponsor, R.A.B. Food Group (Manischewitz) and Honorary Event Co-Chairs, Representative Sue Kelly and Jennifer Saul Yaffa, National Committee Woman. The Celebration will feature a delicious buffet cocktail reception (Kosher of course!). Tickets are on sale now (see below) ... everyone who purchases a ticket will receive a complimentary 1 year membership to the YJLPAC! Tickets start at $125 and other levels of giving are possible. If you cannot attend, for a $75 donation you will be named as a sponsor in the YJLPAC Sponsor Roll appearing in the 10th Anniversary Celebration Program. Please make checks payable to the "Young Jewish Leadership PAC" and send to YJLPAC, c/o Tzvi Bar-Shai, 435 Hawthorne Ave., Yonkers, NY 10705. To RSVP or ask questions contact: Lawrence Scheer, Anniversary Dinner Chair, lcheer@yjlpac.org
February 26, 2006, 3:00pm: Met Club Foreign Policy Discussion Series. The Group meets every Sunday from 3:00-4:30PM at the Met Club. The sessions will begin on Sunday, February 12th for the first of eight sessions. A moderator is present to guide the group through the various topics. Each session has a different topic. This year's topics are the UN, Iran, Energy, Brazil, Human Rights, China and India, Turkey, and Pandemics. The Great Decisions series is produced by the Foreign Policy Association. The optional briefing book is available for $15. Please e-mail Georgiana at mail@metclubnyc.org or call (212) 288-8606 for more information. The Club is located at 122 East 83rd Street, just west of Lexington.
February 27, 2006, 6:45 pm: Metropolitan Republican Club President’s Dinner. We’re very pleased to have as our honored guest and speaker, Congressman Vito Fossella, who represents the 13th Congressional District covering Staten Island and part of Brooklyn. Congressman Fossella serves on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and the House Committee on Financial Services and, as the only Republican Congressman in New York City, is a very important voice for our city and our party. The President’s Dinner is reasonably priced at $60 and includes a reception, a full course dinner as well as the speaker’s program. We expect demand to be strong for this event and seating is limited, so please email Georgiana at mail@metclubnyc.org or call (212) 288-8606 if you are interested in attending. The Club is located at 122 East 83rd Street, just west of Lexington.