Right Events

This is a place to learn about events of interest to Republicans, conservatives, libertarians or others of a rightward slant in New York City.

Bookmark this page and check back often as the listings get updated all the time.

If you have an event to promote in NYC, e-mail me.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

If you've ever wondered why there are two Young Republican Club events listed on this page, Jess Bruder lays out the details and history in this week's Observer.

I recommend getting involved with both clubs. Visit their respective sites here and here.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


January 4, 2006, 8:00pm: Jinx Magazine presents a debate: John Carney and Ken Silber debate the question "Do Public School Boards Have the Right to Mandate the Teaching of Intelligent Design as Science?" (with Michel "The Brain" Evanchik moderating and Todd Seavey hosting) at the next Jinx Athenaeum, downstairs at Lolita bar (free admission, cash bar) on the northeast corner of Broome and Allen on Manhattan's Lower East Side, one block south and three west of the Delancey St. subway stop. (Volunteers to debate specific future topics, especially if you have a willing, serious opponent, are welcome.)

January 4, 2006, 7:30pm: The New York Young Republican Club (the state-party affiliated one) January Social. Hit the Swiss Alps with the YRs....or at least come party in our Manhattan cabin at Gstaad (www.gstaadnyc.com/), 43 W. 26th (b/w 6th & Broadway). NO COVER. Members and Non-Members welcome! Cool raffle prizes and more! Come dressed in your apres ski wear! For more information, contact Events Chairperson, Gail Allen, events@nyyrc.com

January 5, 2006, 6:30pm: Metropolitan Republican Club presents First Thursday, its monthly informal social and political salon. $10 at the door for members, $15 at the door for non-members includes all refreshments. Met Club, 122 East 83rd Street (between Lexington and Park).

January 5, 2006, 7:00pm: JUNTO Monthly Speaker series featuring Tom DiLorenzo, author of "How Capitalism Saved America". General Society Library, 20 West 44th Street, Between 5th and 6th Avenues, near the Grand Central Terminal. Junto focuses on libertarianism, Objectivism, and investing.

January 10, 2006, 6:30: The Donald & Paula Smith Family Foundation Present a debate. The Politics of Science: Are politicians giving us the right prescriptions Featuring Chris Mooney, Seed Magazine Author: The Republican War on Science. Ronald Bailey, Reason Magazine, Author: Liberation Biology. Wesley J. Smith, Discovery Institute Author: Consumer's Guide to A Brave New World. Moderator Harvey Shapiro, Contributing Editor, Institutional Investor. From embryonic stem cell research to the fate of Terry Schiavo, science has given us a whole new set of political issues. Politicians are now compelled to have a position on everything from performance enhancing drugs in sports to global warming. In taking these positions, are politicians listening to the scientific community or are they responding to the interest groups essential to their election? Do politicians strike the right balance between the desire for progress and ethical implications of that progress? What role should elected officials and government play in encouraging desirable scientific research? Does science education accurately reflect the scientific consensus? Is science too important to be left to the scientists?

January 12, 2006, 7:30pm The New York Young Republican Club (the independent one) Monthly Meeting. Our featured speaker will be George J. Marlin, author Fighting the Good Fight: A History of the New York Conservative Party and of The American Catholic Voter: Two Hundred Years Of Political Impact. George Marlin is also former executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Road to Albany 2006 Candidate Series: This month, we are honored to have John Faso, the former New York State Assembly Minority Leader and gubernatorial candidate, speak about his plans for a better New York. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmens Club 283 Lexington Ave (bet 36th & 37th St), 2nd Floor Admission: Members - FREE, Non Members - $5, F/T Students - $2. After-politics Socializing- We always head out for drinks after the meeting, so please join us at Margarita Murphy's, 591 Third Ave Between 38th and 39th streets.

January 12, 2006, Log Cabin Republican Meeting at at 3 West 51st Street. The featured speaker will be Edward F. Cox, a lawyer, former candidate for U.S. Senate, and son-in-law of former President Richard M. Nixon, will be the featured speaker. Contact Log Cabin: 646-349-2952 (phone and fax) or info@nyc.logcabin.org

January 16, 2006, 6:30pm: Congress of Racial Equality's Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration honoring Mississippi for strides in race relations and presenting an award to Governor Haley Barbour. New York Sheraton Hotel & Towers, 52nd Street & 7th Avenue. For more information & tickets call: (212) 598-4000 (extension 1113).

January 19, 2006, 7:00pm: The New York Young Republican Club (the state-party affiliated one) monthly meeting, Union League Club, 38 East 37th Street. Speaker TBD.

January 30, 2006, 7:00 pm (Doors open @ 6:30PM): The Objectivist Club at New York University Presents Dr. Yaron Brook: Why Conservatives are Anti-Business. Conservatives often present themselves as "pro-business" and "pro- free market," i.e., in favor of an economic system that enables productive businessmen to flourish. Yet, in reality, Dr. Yaron Brook observes, conservatives support many anti-business policies, from antitrust prosecution to "windfall" taxes on profits – policies that hurt this nation's most innovative and successful businessmen. Conservatives are anti-business in practice, Dr. Brook argues, because they accept an anti-business moral theory – a religious morality that upholds a life of renunciation and sacrifice, and thus advocates a government that shackles, taxes, and punishes the pursuit of material success in this world. What America's productive businessmen need – and, in fact, what all of us need – Dr. Brook explains, is a moral philosophy that regards the creation and enjoyment of wealth as a virtue. These events are sponsored by the Ayn Rand Institute (www.AynRand.org) and are open to the public. A $10 contribution at the door is suggested for non-students. LOCATION: 60 Washington Square S., NYU Kimmel Center - Rosenthal Pavilion (10th Floor). RSVP: http://nyu.objectivismonline.net -- Bring photo ID

January 31, 2005, 6:00pm: Womens National Republican Club School of Politics presents Frank Gaffney talking about his new book 'War Footing: 10 Steps America Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World.' 3 West 51st Street.

January 31, 2005, 7:00pm: Republican Jewish Coalition New York Regional Office Presents a Young Professionals Happy Hour!Grab a drink! Mix and Mingle! Socialize with other Jewish Republicans! Redemption Bar, 1003 2nd Avenue, (53rd Street). Cash Bar! Free drink coupon for all current RJC members! Please forward to your friends and colleagues. This event is open to all free of charge.

January 31, 2006, 7:00pm: Bill at Citizen Journal is hosting a blogger party for the Bush's State of the Union address at Black Sheep, 583 3rd Avenue (38th Street).

January 31, 2006, 7:30-10 pm: Friends of Frank Scala presents a reception in honor of Frank Scala, Republican candidate for Assembly in the 74th district special election on February 28. Donation is $25. Event will be held at the Metropolitan Republican Club, 122 East 83rd Street, just west of Lexington. President Bush's State of the Union Address will also be shown on the Club's large television. RSVP appreciated, but not required. Please RSVP to John Dolan or Marlene Jupiter at 212-945-4235 or 917-748-6322 or email JDolan3580@yahoo.com or Mjupiter@aol.com.