Right Events

This is a place to learn about events of interest to Republicans, conservatives, libertarians or others of a rightward slant in New York City.

Bookmark this page and check back often as the listings get updated all the time.

If you have an event to promote in NYC, e-mail me.


Sunday, August 01, 2004

If you're a delegate or visitor to the convention, you've come to the right place. Start here with how to order NYC pizza, continue here for a list of restaurants participating in $30.12 dinners and $20.12 lunches and here to make a reservation.

August List of Events:

Events are updated all the time, especially this month because of the convention, so check back often.

August 3, 2004: 7:30: (Thanks to Toni for info on this one) The fourth lecture in the series of 92nd St Y Makor Talks "Presidential Concerns Election 2004: What's Good for the Jews?" This lecture is entitled "Jewish Republicans: More of Us Than You Think." For New Yorkers in their 20s and 30s. THIS IS AT THE WEST SIDE BRANCH OF THE Y, the Steinhardt Building, 35 West 67th Street, NYC. To purchase tickets call 212-415-5500 or go to www.92Yorg. You can also order by fax with credit-card info at 212-415-5788.

August 3, 2004, 7:00pm: Townhall.com Meetup at the Manhattan Lounge on Second Avenue between East 89th+90th. All meetup.com events are free. Other Townhall Meetups take place around New York. The one in Westchester is usually at Fridays in Scarsdale.

August 4, 2004, 7:00pm: Break out your flapper gear and fedora hats and usher in Convention Season ‘20s style with The New York Young Republican Club (the state affiliated one) at Bill's Gay Nineties, 57 East 54th Street - 2nd Floor (betweenMadison & Park Avenues)! Admission: Free of Charge. Guys: The first twenty guys receive a complimentary skimmer hat! Dolls: The first twenty dolls receive a complimentary flapper necklace! $5 Raffle: “Jazz: A Ken Burns Documentary”, a ten-part, eighteen-hour documentary series that celebrates America’s greatest original art form (a $150 value). Questions? Contact NYYRC Events Chair Britta Jepsen at events@nyyrc.com

August 5, 2004, 6:30pm: The Metropolitan Republican Club presents its First Thursday Monthly informal social for members and their guests. Prospective members also welcomed.$10 at the door

August 6, 2004, 10 am to 4 pm: The Conservative Book Discussion club will be setting up a table for Bush every Saturday at 7th Avenue between MSG and Macy’s, between 33rd and 34th Street on the west side of the avenue. If you'd like to volunteer or want more information, please contact Ray Agostini at r.agostini@att.net.

August 7, 2004, noon: Harlem Republican Club along with Will Brown, Jr. and Jolinda Ruth Cogen invite all Yrs to attend their sign painting cookout for the President at the Harlem Republican Clubhouse, 309 West 136th Street (between Frederick Douglas Blvd. and Edgecombe Avenue). Dress comfy and knee pads for kneeling on the floor. RSVP by August 4th to jocogen@nycrepublican.org.

August 10, 2004, 7:00pm: Bush 2004 Meetup at Manhattan Lounge, 1720 2nd Ave bet 89th & 90th . All meetup.com events are free.

August 11, 2004, 6:30pm: The Metropolitan Republican Club presents its Speaker Program featuring Author Myrna Blyth who will talk about her new book. Books will be available for autographing. No charge for admission

August 12, 2004, 7:30 pm: New York Young Republican Club meeting (the independent one). Speaker, Tony Coles, who served for eight years in the Giuliani administration, his last two as Deputy Mayor for Planning, Education and Cultural Affairs. Soldiers', Sailors', Marines', and Airmen's Club, 283 Lexington Avenue, between 37th and 38th Streets, 2nd floor. Free for members; $5 for nonmembers; $2 for full-time students. Drinks afterward at Saga, 39th Street and Lexington.

August 12, 2004, 7:00pm: The WNRC Junior Committee invites all Young Republicans to their Texas Barbecue to be held on August 12th, from 7:30PM-11:30PM!!! It will be held at the Women’s National Republican Club, 3 West 51st Street btwn 5th and 6th Avenues and will be openbar and full buffet! Music will be provided by Fritz Henry. There is also aspecial rate for NYYRC (the state affiliated one) members, at $35. Email RSVP@nyyrc.com by Monday August 9th if you plan on attending!

August 14, 2004, 10 am to 4 pm: The Conservative Book Discussion club will be setting up a table for Bush every Saturday at 7th Avenue between MSG and Macy’s, between 33rd and 34th Street on the west side of the avenue. If you'd like to volunteer or want more information, please contact Ray Agostini at r.agostini@att.net.

August 14, 2004 11am - 5pm The NYYRC Street Fair is this Saturday! It will run down 7th Ave from 57th to 45th Streets and our booth should be in its usual spot near the Sheraton Hotel on 53rd Street. It's that time again! When young republicans hit the streets and the street fairs to register voters and educate our fellow city residents on what Urban Republicans can offer them as elected officials. We will have our annual voter registration and Republican recruitment drive, hand out literature on our Urban Republican candidates and platform for 2004, sign up new YR members, have raffles and prizes, and have a great, fun-filled day. Plus we get the added bonus of irritating liberals who walk by and are used to only seeing Greenpeace and other wacky liberal groups on the streets on Manhattan. I urge all fellow republicans who need a break from summering in the Hamptons to join us, even for an hour or two, on this unique afternoon. You have never seen grassroots politics done the way the NYYRC does it!! Email info@nycyr.org if you can volunteer some time for this core grassroots party-building activity.

August 14, 2004, 10:00pm: Pop Gear-hosted by rock-historian dawn eden (mojo), recording-artist michael lynch (goldmine), and d.j. kittybeat (wusb) spinning mid-sixties tunes from the u.s. to the u.k. and beyond. expect lots of one-hit wonders and underground faves. dress-up or dress-down, this is an attitude-free affair where you don't have to fret over whether your pants are pegged, your heels are cuban, or your two-tone socks match your skinny tie. simply wear comfortable shoes and be prepared to frug, watusi, and jerk the night away!! This isn't a specifically conservative event, in fact it's not a political event at all, it is co-hosted by Dawn Eden, a conservative from NYC. It's held at Cinema Classics, 332 East 11th street.

August 15, 2004, 11:00am-6:00pm: The Republican Jewish Coalition will be hosting a booth at the Lexington Avenue Street Fair(between 45th and 57th streets). They are looking for volunteers to help out so email Mordy Lichtenstein at mlichtenstein@rjchq.org if you're interested.

August 17, 2004, 7:00pm: The Discovery Production is having an event for Jewish singles with a political bent. Shmooze or Lose...Choose Your Shmooze: Interactive Election Debate; Kabbalah of Money; Amazing Relationships; Love Dating and Marriage, $18 in advance, $36 at the door. 7:00pm sushi, 8:00pm program.

August 18, 2004, 6:00pm: Brooklyn Republican Victory Committee invites you to a party for the president to join other supporters at a party to help re-elect President Bush! The party will be at the Bay Ridge Manor, 476 76th Street in Brooklyn. RSVP to Luke Vander Linden at lukevl@gmail.com.

August 19, 2004, 7:00pm: The New York Young Republican Club (the state affiliated one) is pleased to present Junkscience.com’s Steven Milloy at the monthly meeting at the Women’s National Republican Club, 3 West 51st Street between 5th and 6th Avenues.Mr.Milloy will be talking to us about junkscience.com and tell us about his new project activist mutual fund to combat anti-business social activist influence on businesses e.g. Having lost the public debate on globalwarming, environmentalists are circumventing public policy debate, trying topersuade businesses to implement "private Kyoto protocols." NYYRC, Inc. Meetings are ALWAYS FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Q’s? Email INFO@nyyrc.com.

August 21, 2004, 10 am to 4 pm: The Conservative Book Discussion club will be setting up a table for Bush every Saturday at 7th Avenue between MSG and Macy’s, between 33rd and 34th Street on the west side of the avenue. If you'd like to volunteer or want more information, please contact Ray Agostini at r.agostini@att.net.

August 22, 2004, 7:30pm: Hebre Productions presents this important and provocative lecture with Clinton Versus Israel author David S. Crystal, website here. The book exposes the direct effects that actions and statements on the part of members of the Clinton State Department had on the media and its coverage of Israel since the onset of the Oslo Accords. These effects continue to linger today, engendering further anti-Israel bias. The main points of evidence for the inequitable treatment of Israel by the Clinton State Department and its influencing coverage in the media are found in analyses of violations of the Oslo Accords, the Hasmonean Tunnel situation, and the Har Choma dispute. Clinton Versus Israel: How the Clinton State Department Instigated Anti-Israel Bias in the Media informs generations to come on the truth pertaining to both the mid-East conflict and the Clinton administration. "It will finally set the record straight on how today's anti-Israel bias was engendered. Millions of Jews and Americans can now be armed with the facts they need to call the Clinton administration to account for its transgressions," says Crystal. At the Hineini Center, 232 West End Avenue near West 70th Street. COST: $5

August 24, 2004, 8:00am: Join the Republican Jewish Coalition at an important Educational Grassroots Training Class. Learn effective ways to reach out to potential supporters of President Bush's policies. Receive special training in heightening grassroots awareness and activity. Work on ways to "deliver the message” Learn substantive material to bolster your own knowledge and respond to others. This seminar will provide you with the tools, language and skills to reach out to the general Jewish community and reach the hidden, potential supporters of President Bush's policies on Israel, Jewish security, economic security, and other issues of concern. This event will be at Park Tower Group, 499 Park Ave, 27th Floor
(Park Avenue and 59th Street)

Light Kosher Breakfast will be served.

Notice: This special seminar is only open to current members of the RJC. Space is limited; reservations accepted on a first-come, first-serve, basis. There is an additional training seminar in New Jersey being planned. RSVP to newyork@rjchq.org or 212-922-0839.

August 24, 2004, 6-8pm: "Spirit of America" is holding a New York City based 2-hour open-beer/wine bar fundraiser (with food) at the Heartland Brewery (West 16th and Union Square Park) on August 24th, 2004 from 6-8PM. The donation is $40. Spirit of America is a charitible, not-for-profit organization that helps Americans serving aborad, currently in Iraq and Afghanistan, to help the poor and underprivileged in those countries. We enable men and women of the American military, Foreign Service and reconstruction personnel to submit requests for goods that will help local people. Typically, the requests are for items that established aid organizations and government bureaucracies are not designed to handle and that fall in the gaps between large-scale assistance programs - yet can make an important difference. For more information, view the evite here.

August 25, 2004, 8:30am (Thanks to Sean for info on this one): The Manhattan Institute will conduct a panel titled 'Compassionate Conservative Policies That Changed New York City'. Speakers will include Lawrence Mone, Peggy Noonan, Tony Coles, Herman Badillo, Peter Cove, John Podhoretz, George Kelling, Daniel Biederman, E. J. McMahon, Steve Malanga, Lawrence Kudlow. For more information and to register for this free event, click here.

August 26, 2004-September 2, 2004, 7:00pm every night: PRO-REPUBLICAN STAND-UP COMEDY SHOW!! NEW YORK CITY PREMIERE of “THE RIGHT STUFF”!! Pro-GOP comics perform at THE LAUGH FACTORY—TIMES SQUARE

· “Their success suggests a hearty appetite for entertainment on the right.” -- WASHINGTON TIMES
· “The Right Stuff comics share a need to speak up on political issues they sometimes have kept buried to succeed in the largely left-leaning entertainment industry.” -- MINNEAPOLIS STAR TRIBUNE
· “The Right Stuff wanted - no, they demanded - equal rights. The right to proudly take the mic and quip about Kerry, mock the tree huggers and skewer Streisand.” -- ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER

Tired of Republican bashing? Tired of Bush bashing? Tired of America bashing?
Well this is the “Bash” for you! Come spend an evening with comedians who look at the world the “Right” way…
Look out, Bill Maher! Step aside, Janeane Garofalo! Run for cover, Michael Moore!
“The Right Stuff” is a provocative, clean, and wickedly funny show that pokes fun at the hard left and political correctness, making for a hilarious evening of humorous venting at liberal “conventional wisdom” and the elite media establishment.
The show’s headline M.C. and Host is “Big Daddy” Jeff Wayne from HBO’s Comic Relief and Showtime’s Full Frontal Comedy. Jeff tackles gun control, capital punishment, the Democratic Party, and the insensitivity of the media to the plight of white males!
Also featured will be:
· Julia Gorin, a Fox News and Wall Street Journal contributor from New York City. She’s Jewish, a Russian immigrant, female, lives in Manhattan, and votes Republican--the Democratic Party’s worst nightmare!
· Chris Warren, who hails from that ultra-liberal haven of political correctness,the Pacific Northwest. This “politically incorrect” comic just got back from entertaining our troops in the Middle East, and now he’s ready to entertain you.
· Steve Eblin, who just returned from 2 comedy tours for the U.S. troops in the Middle East and Afghanistan. Steve finds the honesty and hilarity in everything from a fiercely American perspective.
669 8th Avenue (at 42nd Street)
Tickets are $20.00 per person.
Reservations/information: 818-207-2997

August 26, 2004, 7:00pm: Republican Party Meetup at Barracuda, 275 W. 22nd St. All meetup.com events are free.

August 29, 2004, 7:30pm: The NY Post's Robert George will be doing stand-up comedy. Kick off the Republican National Convention in New York on the "RIGHT Foot, parry a LEFT Jab and avoid MIDDLE-of-the-road humor"!!!!! Come by STAND UP NEW YORK for an evening of across-the-spectrum political humor!! See talent from "Last Comic Standing" and "Colin Quinn's Tough Crowd!!" See one of the few comics to work for Arianna Huffington, Newt Gingrich AND Rupert Murdoch (who the hell is THAT poor SOB?)!!! At Stand-UP New York, 236 W. 78th Street @ Broadway, RESERVATIONS: 212-595-0850, tell 'em you're coming to see Robert George. COVER: $10 and two-drink minimum. It'll be the most fun you'll have all week -- conservatively speaking!!

August 30, 2004, 4:00pm: The Republican Jewish Coalition invites you to a "Salute to the Republican Congress" at the Grand Ballroom, Plaza Hotel, Fifth Avenue at Central Park South featuring the GOP Stars of the House and Senate. Invited Special Guests: Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell, Senate Republican Conference Chair Rick Santorum, Senator Arlen Specter, Senator Norm Coleman, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, House Majority Whip Roy Blunt, House Chief Deputy Majority Whip Eric Cantor, RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie.

Aug. 30, 2004, 10:00pm: W is for Women event sponsored by Right Now! at Pressure on 110 University Place.

September 2, 2004, 4:00pm: The Republican Jewish Coalition presents "Victory 2004 Celebration" at Noche Restaurant, 1604 Broadway at Times Square. Invited Special Guests:The Republican Governors, Administration Officials, Ari Fleischer, Other Notable VIPs.