Right Events

This is a place to learn about events of interest to Republicans, conservatives, libertarians or others of a rightward slant in New York City.

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Friday, April 23, 2004

May List of Events:

Events are updated all the time, so check back often.

May 1, 2004, 3:30pm: The NYU College Republicans will be organizing a rally for President Bush in Union Square Park. Members of the NYU CR's will be meeting on the Southeast corner of the Park at 3:15pm to stage the rally for our President. Rather than being a combative and antagonistic event, it will be a positive gathering, spreading the truth about our president and rallying behind him in the face of vicious lies. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Omar Tungekar (the organizer of the rally) at ojt200@nyu.edu.

May 3, 2004, 6:00pm (prompt): The New York Regional Office of the Republican Jewish Coalition invites you to a special reception with featured guest Congressman Vito J. Fossella (R-C, Staten Island) on “Israel, the Economy, and Congress” at the Edmond J. Safra Synagogue, 11 E. 63 Street. Followed by Kosher reception. Admission is free for all current RJC members. Non-members $75 for admission (includes one year membership to RJC). Please RSVP Mordy Lichtenstein at mlichtenstein@rjchq.org or 212-922-0839. Space is limited. Payment Information: Checks can be made out to ‘RJC’ and mailed to: 353 Lexington Avenue #1204, New York, NY 10016. Credit Card Information can be faxed to 212-922-0897.

May 4, 2004, 6:00pm: School of Applied Politics: Session 4 - MEDIA. This is a class designed for candidates, campaign managers, senior staff members, and serious volunteers who want to achieve an advanced level of knowledge about the campaign process. The session will be taught by William O’Reilly of O’Reilly Strategic Communications. Bill is a former Met Club President and has worked professionally for such elected officials as Charles Millard, Andrew Eristoff, Roy Goodman, and John Ravitz, as well as the NY Republican County Committee. He also has many clients in the private sector. Place: Met Club, 122 East 83rd Street. There is no charge to attend, but you must RSVP by return e-mail or by calling: 212-288-8606.

May 4, 2004, 7:30pm: The New York Young Republican Club (the independent one) Women's Cocktail Reception. The Women's Committee of the New York Young Republican Club presents A Republican Women's Cocktail Reception and Strategy Discussion "How to Increase Women's Participation in Republican Politics". This event is designed for young Republican women (yes, this is women only) to meet, network and discuss how to increase the participation of women in republican politics in New York City. Participants fo this event will be encouraged to get involved in the Women's Committee to work on future events and educational forums. Special guests will be attending and gifts will be raffled off. Any women who plan to attend should email info@nycyr.org with RSVP in the subject to register for this event. Trio, 167 East 33rd Street @ 3rd Ave Downstairs Room. This event is free for NYYRC members, $10 admission for non-members. Any member in good standing can bring a guest for $5. If you join or renew your membership at the door you will be admitted as a member.

May 4, 2004, 7:00pm: Town Hall Meetup at Manhattan Lounge, 1720 2nd Ave bet 89th & 90th . All meetup.com events are free.

May 5, 2004, 6:30pm: The New York Young Republican Club (the state party affiliated one) Annual Spring Fling Membership Drive will be held at Turtle Bay-987 2nd Ave (between 52nd and 53rd). There will be Open Bar and passed hors d' oeuvres. Members who RSVP prior to the event will only pay $35, $40 at the door. For non-members the cost will be $60. However those wishing to join the NYYRC will get a discount $55 (membership is $35 so that is a savings of $15). Please email membership@nyyrc.com with your RSVP and any questions.

May 6, 2004, 8:00pm: Log Cabin Republicans General Meeting at the Women's Nat'l Republican Club 3 W.51st Street between 5th & 6th.

May 6, 2004, 6:30pm: The Metropolitan Republican Club presents its monthly First Thursday informal political gathering at the club's headquarters, 123 East 83rd Street, between Park and Lexington. This month, our special guests will include Harold Blakely, Director for Special Projects for the Republican National Convention, and Michael Allegretti, Director of Volunteers for the Host Committee. Just $10, payable at the door, covers all beer, wine, soda and snacks. Further information 212-288-8606.

May 11, 2004, 7:00pm: The Urban Republican Coalition Host Committee cordially invites you to attend a cocktail reception to honor Ms Kristin Grundvig as she kicks off her campaign for the New York State Assembly in Manhattan's 64th Assembly District. 375 South End Ave, Apt #14J. Suggested Contribution $100 - $250. Please RSVP by email to Robert@urban-republican.com or call 718-358-2848 for more information. ** Special $50 tickets are available for Young Republicans. RSVP to the email above and send in your response card ASAP. You can save time by printing out the contribution form, filling it out completely and legibly and bringing it to the door. A contribution form can be downloaded from: http://www.urban-republican.com/candidates.htm Or, contributions can be mailed to: Kristin Grundvig for Assembly, 244 Madison Ave, #426, New York, NY 10016

May 11, 2004, 6:30pm: The New York State Conservative Party cordially invites you to a lecture: Maggie Gallagher, President, Institute for Marriage and Public Policy presents “Gay Marriage: The Stakes” and Myrna Blyth, Former Editor in Chief of Ladies Home Journal, Author of Spin Sisters : How the Women of the Media Sell Unhappiness - and Liberalism - to the Women of America at Women’s National Republican Club, 3 West 51st Street. R.S.V.P. to 212.588.9148 or apreate@politicalcap.com.

May 11, 2004, 6:30pm: The Donald and Paul Smith Family Foundation presents a debate on Health Care Costs: Is there a cure for our feverish medical inflation? Featuring Frank R. Lichtenberg, Courtney C. Brown Professor of Business, Columbia University, Robert Berenson, M.D., Senior Fellow, Urban Institute, Katharine Greider Author, The Big Fix: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Rips Off American Consumers, Sue Blevins, President, Institute for Health Freedom and Moderator Betsy McCaughey, Former Lt. Governor of New York State, Adjunct Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute. Is health care reform needed to control medical inflation? Are health care costs the reason employers are dropping coverage and are reluctant to hire new employees? What do we do about the uninsured? Should we follow Canada and European countries and make the federal government a single payer who can ration care and control prices? Alternatively, should we empower health care consumers to take more responsibility for their health care costs? Finally, should we blame the pharmaceutical companies for high costs, or praise them for keeping people out of more costly hospital beds? Please RSVP on the Smith Family Foundation website.

May 11, 2004, 7:00pm: Bush 2004 Meetup. at Manhattan Lounge, 1720 2nd Ave bet 89th & 90th . All meetup.com events are free.

May 13, 2004, 7:00pm: The New York Young Republican Club (the independent one) holds its monthly meeting. Our guest speaker will be John Podhoretz, NY Post columnist and author of the book "Bush Country: How Dubya Became a Great President While Driving Liberals Insane." Place: Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmens Club, 283 Lexington Ave (bet 36th & 37th St), 2nd Floor. Admission: Members - FREE, Non Members - $5, F/T Students - $2. Please join us for drinks after every meeting in the backroom at Saga, on Lex and 39th.

May 14, 2004, 8:00pm: The Nineteenth Annual Ball for Life Honoring Mr. and Mrs. George T. Conway III Featuring the Alex Donner Orchestra. Beneficiaries of the Ball for Life: Birthright, Expectant Mother Care, Good Counsel, Life Center of New York, Midtown Pregnancy Support Center, Project Reach, Pregnancy Help. This event will be held at Racquet and Tennis Club, 370 Park Avenue. Black Tie. R.S.V.P. by May 10 to apreate@politicalcap.com. Tickets are $150 in advance, $175 at the door. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. For more information, please call (212) 588-9148 or purchase tickets via credit card at the Ball for Life website.

May 19, 2004, 6:30pm: The Manhattan 2004 Friends of NRA Banquet (our 8th annual one) will be at the Masonic Hall, 71 W. 23rd St., New York, NY (24th Street Entrance). The event supports the 501(c)(3) NRA Foundation, which generally promotes firearms safety education, and training and development for the shooting sports. Half of proceeds raised stay in New York for programs here, such as the Women on Target shoots, jointly sponsored by the NRA Foundation and the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, providing FREE introductions to rifle marksmanship for women, right here in Manhattan at the Westside Rifle & Pistol Range in Chelsea. Banquet tickets are $50. Attending Sponsor tickets are $250 and include the 2004 sponsor sculture, "US Marshall", $100 worth of bucket prize tickets, plus sonsor hat, pin, decals, Traditions magazine subscription, and of course, dinner. Advance raffle tickets are available for the following prize - a Henry "Big Boy" .44 lever action rifle with 20" octogonal barrel. These tickets are $5/ per or $20 for 8 chances. This is a beautiful rifle - big medicine! Winners of this and other firearms prizes MUST be properly licensed where you live, or willing and able to become so. To reserve dinner tickets and to buy raffle tickets, call, or e-mail me with your contact info, at: Patrick Brophy, Treasurer - Big Apple Friends of NRA Committee, c/o McMahon, Martine & Gallagher, LLP, (212) 747-1230, ext. 42. (If I'm not there, leave a message with a callback number).

May 20, 2004, The New York Young Republican Club (the state affiliated one) is pleased to welcome Myrna Blyth to our next general meeting. Myrna Blyth has taken the mainstream media by storm with her new book "Spin Sisters". She challenges the media queens like Barbara Walters, Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric, and Tina Brown. Cover girls will not look the same to anyone ever again. Ms. Blyth was the editor-in-chief of Ladies' Home Journal from 1981 to 2002 and was also in charge of the business side of the magazine for more than a dozen years. She is also the founding editor-in-chief and publishing director of MORE magazine. She is currently a Commissioner on the President's Commission on White House Fellows and a member of the Advisory Committee for the Office of Research in Women's Health at the National Institutes of Health. Come see Ms.Blyth at the Women's Nat'l Republican Club 3 W.51st Street between 5th & 6th. A booksigning will follow.

May 22, 2004, 7:00pm: The Metropolitan Republican Club presents its annual Metropolitan Ball at the New York Yacht Club. The featured guest is William D. Harris, Chief Executive Officer of the 2004 Republican National Convention. The club's traditional ball will have a new, multi-room format this year, featuring smooth jazz and a rock DJ, casino games and a silent auctions, all at the Yacht Club's famed facilities. Cocktails begin at 7 pm, supper buffet and casino games start at 7:45, the program gets underway at 9 pm and the DJ plus cash bar goes until 1 am. Price for the whole evening is just $200, with $100 tickets sold for the program and DJ (including casino games and 2 free drinks). Black tie preferred. Advanced reservations required. Ticket information and online RSVP form at www.MetClubNYC.org/Calendar.htm or call 212-288-8606.

May 24th, 2004, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. The New Criterion will be hosting a panel discussion to conclude its year long series of essays on the future of American cultural and political institutions at NYU’s Lipton Hall, 110 West Third St. Judge Robert H. Bork, Roger Kimball, Hilton Kramer, Jay Nordlinger and Mark Steyn will each deliver a short talk followed by a Q&A. The event is open to the public and is being sponsored by Professor Herbert London, publisher of American Outlook. “Lengthened Shadows: America and Its Institutions in the Twenty First Century” offers a wide–ranging series of reflections on the cultural situation of American institutions in the post-9/11 world. R.S.V.P: Dawn Steeves (212) 247-6980 steeves@newcriterion.com.

May 26, 2004, 7pm: The New York Young Republican Club (the independent one) presents a debate on the Patriot Act. Speakers to include Frank Gaffney from the Center for Security Policy and Niger Innis from the Congress of Racial Equality, Udi Ofer, Bill of Rights Campaign Director, New York Civil Liberties Union and Hon. David Yasskey, Member, New York City Council. Moderated by: John P. Avlon - Contributing Editor, The New York Sun. The event will run from 7pm -9pm at the Shelburne Murray Hill Hotel on Lexington Ave and 37th Street. This event is free.

May 27, 2004, 7:00pm: Republican Party Meetup at Manhattan Lounge, Second Avenue between East 89th and 90th. All Meetup.com events are free.