April List of Events:
Events are updated all the time, so check back often.
April 1, 2004, 6 pm: The Brooklyn Republican Victory Committee invites you to its 4th complimentary cocktail party at the El Caribe Country Club, 5945 Strickland Avenue, Mill Basin in Brooklyn. Phil Kelly of the El Caribe has been kind enough to provide hors d'oerves and beer and wine, but most importantly, New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg will be our guest of honor at this event. The Brooklyn Republican Victory Committee is a political action fund committed to electing Republicans to national, state and local office -- most importantly, to re-electing President Bush this year. RSVP to Luke at vander@thirteen.org
April 1, 2004, 7pm: Meeting of Junto, a libertarian group. Their speaker will be John Stossel, consumer reporter, 20/20 co-anchor and author of "Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media." The title of the talk will be "Does the Media Hate Capitalism?". Grand Ballroom on the main floor of The Shelburne Murray Hill Hotel, 303 Lexington Ave.at 37th St., Manhattan, five blocks south of Grand Central Terminal. Subway: 4,5,6,7 to 42nd St.-Grand Central or B,D,F,N,Q,R,V,W to 34th St.-Herald Square. Admission Free. No reservation necessary. Invite your freedom loving friends.
April 1, 2004, 6:30pm: Met Club NYC, 122 East 83rd Street. Monthly informal social for members and their guests. Prospective members also welcomed. $10 at the door.
April 2, 2004 and April 3, 2004, 8:00pm: The NY Post's Robert George, among others, will be performing in The Yes Show Directed by Ralph Buckley. Enjoy "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" You'll love the Yes Show!! Never seen WLIIA? Well come check out real, live, New York Improv in the raw!!! (you won't be expected to take your clothes off!!). Stonestreet Studios / 48 West 21 st Street, 8th floor. $15 (Entry gets you free beer to help you enjoy the Improv experience in its full glory!!)
April 6, 2004, 7:00pm: Townhall.com Meetup at Manhattan Lounge, 1720 2nd Ave bet East 89th & 90th . All meetup.com events are free.
April 8, 2004, 7:30pm: The New York Young Republican Club (the independent one) presents guest speaker Ed Rollins, former campaign manager for Reagan/Bush '84 and for Christie Whitman's race for Governor of New Jersey. Place: Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmens Club, 283 Lexington Ave (bet 36th & 37th St), 2nd Floor. Admission: Members - FREE, Non Members - $5, F/T Students - $2. Please join us for drinks after every meeting in the backroom at Saga, on Lex and 39th.
April 13, 2004, 6:30pm: School of Applied Politics (SOAP), Campaign Plan & Staff Organization. This is a class designed for candidates, campaign managers, senior staff members, and serious volunteers who want to achieve an advanced level of knowledge about the campaign process. The session will be taught by Jeffrey Lane, a graduate of the George Washington University Graduate School of Political Management. He has held staff positions with Assemblyman John Ravitz, the local office of the Minority Leader of the NYS Assembly, and the Mayor’s office. He has extensive experience in New York City and State elections and is a former District Leader. To learn more about SOAP or any of its sessions, please feel free to contact a member of our candidate development team at (212) 517-8444 or contact@nycrepublican.org.
April 13, 2004, 6:30pm (prompt): The Donald & Paula Smith Family Foundation Presents a debate: 'Taking Spending Discretion Away From Our Elected Officials: A desirable and practical way of ensuring fiscal responsibility?' Featuring Bret Schundler, Chairman Empower the People and Former Mayor Jersey City, NJ. Frank Mauro, Executive Director Fiscal Policy Institute. Moderator Anthony P. Coles, Former New York City Deputy Mayor. (Free and open to the public - Reception to follow). At The Graduate Center, The City University of New York 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, (Corner of 34th Street & 5th Avenue). Please RSVP on The Smith Family Foundation Website.
April 13, 2004, 7pm: Bush 2004 Meetup at Manhattan Lounge, 1720 2nd Ave, between 89th and 90th. All meetup.com events are free.
April 13, 2004, 6:30pm: The Conservative Party of NY presents its New York City Lecture Series with Stephen Moore of the Club For Growth Check Back For More Details. E-mail APreate@politicalcap.com for your special invitation.
April 15, 2004, 7pm: The New York Young Republican Club (the state party affiliated one) is pleased to welcome author Mark W. Smith to our next general meeting on April 15th at the Women's National Republican Club(3 West 51st Street between 5th & 6th Avenues). Mr. Smith has just written "The Official Handbook of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy". Attorney and conservative commentator, Mr. Smith deconstructs liberal myths, provides facts and proof to expose liberal lies and hypocrisy, and delivers hard evidence on why the liberals'standing policies are just plain wrong. Meetings of this club are always are free of charge and open to the public. Our guest speaker will not only be speaking to our group but also signing books. Please email us at info at nyyrc.com if you wish to purchase a book.
April 15, 2004, 7pm: The New York City affiliate of the Shooters' Committee on Political Education, a pro-RKBA organization, meets at Charlie Mom's Restaurant, 1491 1st Avenue (between 77th and 78th Streets). Guests are welcome.
April 19, 2004, 7:00pm: The NY Post's John Podhoretz will discuss his new book, 'Bush Country: How Dubya Became a Great President While Driving Liberals Insane' at Met Club NYC, 122 East 83rd Street.
April 20, 2004, 6:00pm: Please join the The New York Young Republican Club the state party affiliated one) for April Networking Cocktails at Naples 45 located at 200 Park Avenue (45th between Lexington & Vanderbilt). This spacious, Southern Italian themed venue is lively and centrally located. Come on out and get to know your fellow YRs and bring a friend.
April 20, 2004, 8:00pm “Republican Riot” returns to An Evening of Stand-up Comedy Starring Julia Gorin and New York Post Columnist Robert George. The Republican Revolution returns to the New York stage, as the Republican convention draws nearer, featuring stand-up comedy with a conservative bent on Spain, Kerry, Clarke, gay marriage, Mel Gibson, babies made in China, Global Warming (didn’t it used to be called Weather?), Women leaving the rat race, (vice) President Hillary, suicide bombers, Israel (does it count as terrorism if only Jews are killed?), Abortion, the Left supporting our troops (when they’re not fighting), And much, much, much, much more At Don’t Tell Mama Cabaret, 343 W. 46th St., between 8th & 9th Aves (All major subways nearby at 42nd St., Times Square: N/R, 1/9, 2/3, E, A and C Trains, plus the Grand Central Shuttle). $ 8 cover charge, plus a 2-drink minimum, cash only. RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED: 212-757-0788 (Call after 4:00). MEDIA CONTACT: info@bruiserbooks.com
April 20, 2004, 5:30pm: The New York Regional Office of the Republican Jewish Coalition Invites You to a Reception Featuring: William D. Harris, Chief Executive Officer, 2004 Republican Convention speaking about "The Making of the Convention". At Light New York, 125 E. 54 Street, Manhattan. Reception includes light kosher fare and open wine/beer bar. Admission is free for all current RJC members. Non-members $75 for admission (includes one year membership to RJC). Please RSVP to Mordy Lichtenstein at (212) 922-0839
April 21, 2004, 7pm: TR Group / Gramercy Park Republican Club present 4 Short Films by Evan Coyne Maloney-Pin the Tale on the Donkeys / Gettin’ a MoveON/ Michael Moore’s Call to Arms / When Protesters Attack. Evan Coyne Maloney is a political commentator & documentary filmmaker whose work has gained national attention from Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, and MSNBC. Turtle Bay Grill & Lounge, 2nd Floor (Screening Room), 987 Second Avenue (at 52nd Street), Cash Bar, but we’ll supply the popcorn. TR & GPRC Members: $5.00 / Non-members: $10.00
April 22, 2004, 7pm: Republican Party Meetup. at Manhattan Lounge, 1720 2nd Ave, between 89th and 90th. All meetup.com events are free.
April 23, 2004, 3:30pm: A Very Special Learning Annex Presentation: Not since Abigail Adams, has one woman been both the wife and mother to a president. Barbara Bush's prominent place in American history is matched by her extraordinary popularity: Republicans and Democrats alike appreciate her wit, her compassion, and her devotion to her family. Dignified, loyal and unpretentious, Barbara Bush is one of the most admired first ladies in history; she remains a beloved public figure today. In this very special Q&A Learning Annex presentation, Barbara Bush will share her thoughts on the inauguration of her son, President George W. Bush, in January 2001, her life with husband President George H.W. Bush, including the White House years, her experiences on the campaign trail with her sons, and her continuing interactions with VIPs from around the world and more. Barbara Bush was born in Rye, New York, and married George H. W. Bush in 1945. She was First Lady of the United States from 1989 to 1993. She has five children, including President George W. Bush and Florida Governor Jeb Bush, and is the founder of The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. Course 2114NY. Section A $15.00. Section A1 $49.99 First 6 rows. Register: www.learningannex.com
April 25, 2004, 1pm: A Policy Forum hosted by the Jewish Policy Center at The Park East Synagogue, 164 East 68th Street. Topic: "Liberal Roots and Conservative Solutions” A Jewish, Conservative View of Policy Issues Concerning the Jewish Community. Speakers: Michael Medved (moderator), Steven Emerson (invited), David Horowitz, Michael A. Ledeen and John Podhoretz. Admission is free, but seating is limited. For security reasons, RSVP is required. To RSVP, please call 1-866-622-7787, x. 4400 (toll free).
April 25, 2004, 11am: Join The New York Young Republican Club (the state party affiliated one) and help beat the Boston Dems and the Boston Red Sox with a voter registration drive at Yankee Stadium. Yankee Stadium, 161st & River Avenue. Meet at "the Bat". Send questions to info@nyyrc.com
April 26, 2004, 7:00pm: The Intercollegiate Studies Institute and the New Criterion cordially invite you to 'Culture or Multiculturism? A talk by Roger Kimball at Columbia University. Room 101 at Jerome Green Hall (corner of Amsterdam and 116th). RSVP 212-247-6989 or steeves@newcriterion.com.
April 27, 2004, School of Applied Politics (SOAP), Committee Formation/ Financial Reporting. To learn more about SOAP or any of its sessions, please feel free to contact a member of our candidate development team at (212) 517-8444 or contact@nycrepublican.org.
April 27, 2004, 7pm: The Brooklyn Young Republican Club, April General Meeting at The Bay Ridge Manor, 476 76th St, Brooklyn, NY 11209. Guest Speaker: Mike Boyajian.
April 27, 2004, 8pm: The second official meeting of the new Rockaway Republicans in South Queens. Our aim is to rebuild the Republican party in NYC with a strong libertarian orientation. We are encountering resistance from existing
county level leadership. Please feel free to let other Republican and Republican/libertarian groups know . . . all are welcome as we work to build the new club.
April 28, 2004, 6:30pm: The Women’s National Republican Club In Partnership with TR Group/Gramercy Park Republican Club and The New York Young Republican Club (the state party affiliated one) invite you to the 2004 Republican National Convention Manhattan Volunteer Night! 8,000 VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED…COME BE A PART OF IT! Featured Guests:Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg & 2004 Republican National Convention CEO William D. Harris at Women’s National Republican Club, 3 West 51st Street. Business Attire Required. Complimentary Event - Cash Bar. All Guests Must RSVP to: trgroup@nyc.rr.com