JUNE LIST OF EVENTS (Updated all the time, check back often)
June 6, 2007, 7:00pm: The NY Young Republican Club (the state-party affiliated one) monthly social at the ROOFTOP BAR AT RED SKY Drinks Specials til 8PM: $3 Domestic beers, $4 cosmos and appletinis, appetizers and raffles! Red Sky Bar, 47 East 29th Street btwn Park & Madison Avenues, New York City.
June 13, 2007, 6:30pm (prompt): The Donald & Paula Smith Family Foundation Present a Discussion: The Future of Black America: The burden of history or the audacity of hope? Featuring Orlando Patterson, John Cowles Professor of Sociology, Harvard, Author:The Ordeal of Integration. John H. McWhorter, Senior Fellow, The Manhattan Institute Author:Winning the Race: Beyond the Crisis in Black America. Algernon Austin, Senior Fellow, Demos. Author:Getting It Wrong: How Black Public Intellectuals Are Failing Black America. Moderator: Felicia Lee, The New York Times. Co-Sponsors: Demos. Does the twenty-first century require a new black politics? For many, the success of Barack Obama, Tiger Woods, Oprah and Richard Parsons signal the emergence of a post-race America where anyone with the right values and skills can succeed. For others, the persistence of segregated schools and the increasing numbers of blacks in America’s prisons indicate that we are still living in the shadow of Jim Crow. What are the major obstacles to a prosperous future for black America? What are the best policies for moving forward – an effort to change values, an anti-discrimination offensive, or something else? Is it useful to continue to think about politics through the lens of race? (Free and open to the public - Reception to follow). Donnell Public Library, 20 West 53rd Street (Between 5th and 6th avenue).
June 14, 2007, 7:30pm: The NY Young Republican Club (the independent one) monthly meeting will feature speakers John Lott, Jr. and R. Emmett Tyrell, Jr. John Lott, Jr. is a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Maryland. Lott has held positions at the University of Chicago, Yale University, Stanford, UCLA, Wharton, and Rice and was the chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission during 1988 and 1989. Lott has published over 90 articles in academic journals and multiple books including More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws. Opinion pieces by Lott have appeared in such places as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, and The Chicago Tribune. He has appeared on such television programs as the ABC and NBC National Evening News broadcasts, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, and the Today Show. He received his Ph.D. in economics from UCLA in 1984. R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr, is founder and editor in chief of The American Spectator. His books include the New York Times bestseller, Boy Clinton; The Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton; The Liberal Crack-Up; The Conservative Crack-Up; Public Nuisances; and The Future that Doesn't Work: Social Democracy's Failure in Britain. A nationally syndicated columnist, his articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Baltimore Sun, Washington Times, National Review, Harper's, Commentary, The (London) Spectator, Le Figaro (Paris), The Guardian, The Sunday Telegraph, and elsewhere. He is also an adjunct fellow of the Hudson Institute and a contributing editor to the New York Sun. Place: Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen's Club, 283 Lexington Ave (bet 36th & 37th St), 2nd Floor. Admission: Members - FREE, Non Members - $5, F/T Students - $2. After-politics Socializing: Come join us afterwards for drinks at: Margarita Murphy's
591 Third Avenue, Between 38th and 39th streets.
June 20, 2007, 8:00pm: Debates at Lolita Bar: “Is It More Painful to Get Dumped or to Do the Dumping?” featuring art star and Anti-Slam host Rev. Jen Miller (”dumped”) and Rules for Saying Goodbye author Katherine Taylor (”do the dumping”), 8pm on June 20 (note that’s the third Wed. of the month, not the usual first Wed.). The debates, usually pitting two opponents against each other (in a civil and often humorous fashion), take place on the basement level of Lolita Bar at 266 Broome St. at the corner of Allen St. on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, one block south and three west of the Delancey St. F, J, M, Z subway stop. Todd Seavey hosts and Michel Evanchik moderates, most of the time.
June 21, 2007, 6:30 pm-9:00 pm: The Metropolitan Republican Club Petitioning Party at the Met Club. All registered Republican voters in Manhattan are welcome. This is an opportunity to meet other local Republicans and help all our local candidates get on the ballot by signing a legally required petition on their behalf. Petitions for all areas in Manhattan will be available for signature. Refreshments will be served. 122 East 83rd Street, just west of Lexington
June 21, 2007, 7:00pm: The NY Young Republican Club (the state-party affiliated one) monthly meeting will feature speaker Karna Small Bodman, Former Press Secretary to President Ronald Reagan and Senior Director & Spokesperson for the National Security Council. Business attire required. Please turn off your cell phone upon entry. Union League Club at 38 East 37th Street, New York, NY.
June 21, 2007, Annual Brooklyn Cyclones Game & Social: Brooklyn Cyclones vs. Staten Island Yankees – Opening Week! Join the Brooklyn & Richmond County Young Republican Clubs as we cheer for our home teams and watch as our Club names flash on the scoreboard! Tickets are limited! KeySpan Park, Coney Island 5:00 pm - Pre-Game Social at Coney Island Peggy O'Neill's (All you can eat hot dogs and hamburgers plus open bar and live music!) 7:00 pm – Game Time (box seats off right field) Brooklyn & Richmond County YR Members $35 Non-Members $45 To reserve a ticket and to make payment arrangements, email brooklynyr@gmail.com with "Cyclones" in the subject line and include your name, telephone number and number of tickets you would like to reserve. *All who join us for this social event will automatically be entered to win a Brooklyn-themed goody bag!
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